Monday, October 29, 2012

It's been a while

Hello Ladies,

Ok.  I apologize... I know there may be some gentlemen reading this blog as well. 


Hello Folks...

It indeed has been a while since I have posted.  I have been studying, learning, and working.  I'm back to creating, and as of late, winning!  Yes sir!  I have been nominated by a dear friend, Shellybean @  for the Liebster award!


How cute is that?  All pink with a heart... shucks...


1. Link back to the Nominators. You can reach their blogs by clicking on their blog names.
2. Write 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer 11 questions given to you.
4. Pass on the award to 11 deserving bloggers (preferably those with under 200 fans) and give them 11 new questions.
5. Post your award, Link back to the person who gave it to you! Congrats!

Eleven Facts:
1. I ran a red light on my driver's test, and still got my license.
2. I have new items in my Etsy shop and have no shame in using this opportunity to promote myself:
3. I have a dream of going to fashion school, but suffer the duality of being deathly afraid of going and missing out on it at the same time.
4. I made my own complete bunny rabbit costume this year for Halloween.
5. I will always choose a mocha over a vanilla latte.
6. My biggest pet peeve is when an "x" is interjected into the world "espresso."
7. I almost always peel/ pick my nail polish off.
8. If I see a spider, I now grab my cat to kill it instead of Charley; It's training.
9. My favorite cake is classic white with chocolate frosting, but good ol' devil's food does allright too.
10. I will eat any and all cookies that are places in front of me.
11. A gentleman came to the door today and asked if my dad was home. When I said I was twenty-five, he laughed.

Here are the questions Shellybean asked of me:

1.What was your Kindergarten teacher's name?
Mrs. Schwam.
2. Coffee or tea?
Hmm.  Coffee.  No, latte.  Wait, green tea.  No, hot tea latte.  No, iced tea.  I work in a coffee shop, I can't make up my mind!!! :P

3. Do you watch much TV? Favorite show?
We don't have cable, but I'm addicted right now to Say Yes to the Dress on Netflix.  Sad, I know.

4. What is your favorite holiday?
I love Halloween and Christmas.  Halloween is fun because you get to dress up and eat candy.  Christmas is great because everyone is trying to get along and there are always cookies... which is great...
5. Do you use Twitter or FB?
I can't understand Twitter, but I am a slave to Fb hahah.

6. What was the make/model of your very first car?
1991 Buick Skylark, and it would stall out at red lights :) haha
7. Can you drive a stick shift?
No :(  But I can speed in an automatic really well hahahah jp
8. Pie. What is your favorite kind?
Chocolate anything.
9. What was your first job?
I worked at a movie theater and ate tons of free popcorn and watched tons of free movies.  I still don't understand why I didn't just make a career out of it.
10. Mac or PC?
Oh, either!  But my laptop is a PC, and my Bf has a Mac.  I've watched him on that thing and I can't follow a darn thing he does!  He's so smart!
11. What's for dinner?
Charley made rotisserie turkey with green beans and white sticky rice while I was finishing up class at school.  The house was warm with food made.  I'm so darn lucky!!!
11 new bloggers to win the award:
Please friends, while I'm looking for more blogs, feel free to nominate some in the comments!
New questions
1. Favorite dinner food?
2. How many siblings?
3. Money is not an issue, where are you going this very moment on vacation (hypothetically)?
4. If you could introduce two people from history, alive or dead, from different or same time periods, who would they be?
5. Favorite drink from a cafe?
6. Favorite candle scent?
7. Best movie, ever?
8. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
9. If you could play any instrument with precision and skill, what would it be?
10. If you could live in a different decade, would you? which one?  Presuming loved ones would be there.
11. What is/was your favorite, or least favorite fashion trend?
Well guys that's all I have.  I feel so honored to be chosen!  I too, Shellybean, am in my pajamas!  I do not, though have a picture, not for lack of technology.  I just don't look nearly as cute as you!
Instead, dearest readers, enjoy this purple chain cowl... on sale in my shop :P
Photo by Charles Bonney
Don't forget!!!
Be sure to check out Shellybean's blog,  along with her artfire store where she sells the most amazing bags,